
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: B, B

March 4, 2010
In Defense of Joe Stack
by B B
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Which do you consider more delusional: flying a plane into a government building in retaliation of government abuse or believing that the government exists to protect your individual rights? If you answered the former, you're certainly not alone. However, though you might not have thought twice before responding to what appeared to be a silly question, perhaps it's worth considering the moral premises that led to your belief. (Read more...)
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December 13, 2009
Ayn Rand: The Wired Interview (1998)
by B B
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FTA: "11 years ago I blind-pitched Wired magazine an ill-defined article on Rand. In response, they asked me to write an "interview" with her, where I would come up with all of the questions and then cobble together her answers from things that she had written and said (she died in 1982). Fun!" (Read more...)
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October 27, 2009
Sex in The Fountainhead - The Rape of Ayn Rand
by B B
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Rape, also referred to as sexual assault, is an assault by a person involving sexual intercourse with or without sexual penetration of another person without that person’s consent. I’ve had many conversations over the years about this scene, especially with those who I would consider "surface-readers" - those who read without the curiosity to explore the implications. Was it rape or wasn’t it? The answer boils down to whether or not Dominique Francon gave her consent to Howard Roark.

I think Dominique did consent to the sex, wanted it, and even encouraged it through her actions. (Read more...)

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