
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Newnham, John

April 15, 2005
Sense of Life
My Father My Self
by John Newnham
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My father the tyrant, has become, in his twilight years, my father the child. He has Alzheimer’s disease. It is progressive in its onslaught, and there is no cure. Lanza has been replaced by the steady beat of channels being changed without pause, on the television. Reading is beyond him. His swing is still Sam Sneed sweet, and beautiful enough to make others take pause. (Read more...)
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March 12, 2005
Sense of Life
My First Time
by John Newnham
Sanctions: 52Sanctions: 52Sanctions: 52Sanctions: 52 Sanction this ArticleEditMark as your favorite article
What Rand was saying about who I could be, could not be true. It went against everything I had heard from my parents, my family, and my church. What she was saying about the individual, I had not heard before. It felt slightly, thrillingly blasphemous to read about rational self-interest, and love. Did I really own this life of mine? I realized that I had come home. I read passages over and over, then closed my eyes and dreamed of a world where this was true. (Read more...)
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