
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Kelly, Michael Stuart

November 4, 2005
Understanding Is and Ought - A Personal View
by Michael Stuart Kelly
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Shorthand "mental tags" are extremely useful for moral principles. But the danger in their constant use is that they make the mind turn off on a cognitive level. They provide an immediate emotional reaction—usually moral denunciation, but sometimes, moral praise. The "What is it?" has become so integrated into the "What should I do?" that it is no longer asked or even thought about. (Read more...)
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October 23, 2005
To Turn or Not to Turn - A Question of Cheek
by Michael Stuart Kelly
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Are religious principles like turning the other cheek really anti-Objectivism? There goes that little child inside me again. He tells me that Ayn Rand’s heroes turned the other cheek all the time in her fiction. (Read more...)
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October 15, 2005
The Troublemaker
by Michael Stuart Kelly
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A review of Perigo! Politically Incorrect by Deborah Coddington (Read more...)
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September 19, 2005
Understanding Addiction -- One Objectivist's View
by Michael Stuart Kelly
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The universal aspect of all addictions is that the sense of identity has been contaminated and the faculty of volition has atrophied. In the case of drugs and alcohol, there is a chemically induced craving. These are the parts of the mind and body that need to get better. Then the rest will follow. (Read more...)
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August 16, 2005
Sense of Life
Letter to Madalena ... An Homage to the Value of Valuing
by Michael Stuart Kelly
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A tribute to a dear woman, with unwavering love and gratitude .... (Read more...)
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June 27, 2005
Sense of Life
Like a Lamb to the Slaughter
by Michael Stuart Kelly
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Personal memoir of love, betrayal, survival, growth and triumph. (Read more...)
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March 7, 2005
Going Home... A Few Thoughts on Family Values
by Michael Stuart Kelly
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Where does family fit in with Objectivism? (Read more...)
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