
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Dixon, Jason

June 1, 2005
Sense of Life
Of Sissies & Stereotypes
by Jason Dixon
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What are we doing to the generation that’s coming out now?  If they look at the multitude of “types” and decide they must choose one in order to “be gay,” that’s certainly an error of false generalization.  But what are the other generations doing to help them avoid that error?  (Read more...)
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March 18, 2005
The Good Life
Coming Out of the Country Closet
by Jason Dixon
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As someone enamored with the romantic idea of culture, sophistication, and elegance I thought my equally strong love of country music was a reflection of a divided self.  Thanks to another friend I realized that it isn’t me who’s contradictory, it’s the fans and artists of country music.  And as a person passionately attached to his values, I’m happy to admit aloud what once was a secret pleasure.  (Read more...)
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February 12, 2005
Anti-Discrimination Laws Are Anti-Liberty
by Jason Dixon
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It is ironic that gay people defend their right to live their lives as they see fit with the argument that one can’t legislate morality—and then turn around and attempt to legislate morality.  (Read more...)
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January 22, 2005
A Tool for Living: The Relevance of Ayn Rand's Ideas to Gay People
by Jason Dixon
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There is a group of people who – by and large – have an early impetus to investigate philosophical questions.  Earlier in life than others, they find the “popular” or “traditional” answers to the question of morality in particular wanting and unhelpful.  This group is gay people.  (Read more...)
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January 13, 2005
In Praise of SOLO
by Jason Dixon
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I had sought out Objectivist-related websites and forums and been left for the most part unsatisfied. A new friend suggested I check out SOLO, and I did. Exploring the website and reading the Credo in particular, I felt as if I had found the place I could focus my energy and maybe even a place that could become my "home" on the web. (Read more...)
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