
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Maurone, Joseph C.

January 30, 2013
"It is STILL a sin to write this..."
by Joseph C. Maurone
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Reaction to the recent graphic novel of Ayn Rand's Anthem reminds us that “it is still a sin to write this.” (Read more...)
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April 5, 2010

CLASH OF THE TITANS 2010: "Atlas Flinched"
by Joseph C. Maurone
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"For the moment, at least, there is sufficient cowardice, sloth, and mendacity rampant on Earth to last for some time." (Read more...)
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February 6, 2010
War for Men's Minds
"A Republic, If You Can Keep It"
by Joseph C. Maurone
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The obvious question to ask is: Did we keep it? The tougher question is, was it ever even possible? (Read more...)
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January 16, 2010
"Don't You Eat That Yellow Snow," or, The Unmitigated Audacity of "Hope"
by Joseph C. Maurone
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They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But when that lemonade comes from the Obama administration, the best advice is to "watch out where Alinsky goes, and don't you eat that yellow snow..." (Read more...)
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December 30, 2009
Sense of Life
Avatar and the Prog-Rock Revival
by Joseph C. Maurone
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Avatar is not only a hash of new-age ideas in a technicolor dreamcoat, it's a rehash of new-age ideas in said dreamcoat. The progressive rock bands of the seventies beat Cameron to the punch, and it shows; not only are the visual designs digital animations of a Yes album, the philosophical themes are co-opted as well...including the contradictions. (Read more...)
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February 14, 2006
Beyond Emotion: The Gestalt Theory of Music
by Joseph C. Maurone
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The Gestalt theory of music, if correct, may offer many clues to further Rand's dream of seeing an objective explanation of music. But even if it's not, it's an encouraging sign that man is on the right track, at least, putting aside mystical explanations (Read more...)
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November 28, 2005
Musical Innovation: Devotion or Deviance?
by Joseph C. Maurone
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Without falling into the post-modern trap of relativism and denying that some composers are better than others, innovation requires deviation and diversity. The rules, once known, are begging to be broken. If one wants to see innovation in music, one needs to engage in the dialectic of devotion and deviation. (Read more...)
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October 24, 2005
The Rise and Fall of Melody in 5.1 Surround Sound
by Joseph C. Maurone
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Rand's depiction of a mangled Halley composition proved to be prophetic in the wake of the technological attack on melody in modern music. (Read more...)
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October 22, 2005
What Might Music Yet Become?
by Joseph C. Maurone
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A summary of Robert Jourdain's theory of the role of technology in music as presented in Music, The Brain, and Ecstasy. (Read more...)
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October 20, 2005
The Myth of Orpheus and the Future of Music
by Joseph C. Maurone
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What is more beneficial to the future of music, change or tradition? The tragic tale of Orpheus may provide a clue to the answer. (Read more...)
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May 25, 2005
Sense of Life
Revenge Of the Sith: "New Hope" or "No Hope?"
by Joseph C. Maurone
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The final chapter in the prequel trilogy offers a sobering parallel to the Objectivist view of life versus death. What will be the Objectivist answer to the false dichotomies in this movie? (Read more...)
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May 15, 2005
Judgement Day
by Joseph C. Maurone
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A poem. (Read more...)
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May 2, 2005
Psalm of the Space Cadet
by Joseph C. Maurone
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This is one of the first songs I wrote after reading Ayn Rand back in 1996. Before I was the Spaceplayer, I was just another space cadet...The Romantic Manifesto was like a distant supernova in a universe of black holes; Rand believed that the sunlit world she described was dying, and that vision, to me, seemed light years away, almost burned out. But the elements of that star cannot be destroyed, and continue to drift throughout the universe; those elements are available to us should we wish to see the sunlit universe shine again.

(Read more...)

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April 9, 2005
Selling Freedom: The Choice of a New Generation?
by Joseph C. Maurone
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Christianity didn't get its current status by divine will, but by salesmanship. By following the lead of top Rand salesman Chris Sciabarra, Objectivism and freedom have a chance of becoming the all-time best-seller among ideologies. (Read more...)
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April 2, 2005
Orpheus Remembered
by Joseph C. Maurone
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A song I wrote about repentance and regret. "God said take what you want and pay for it." (Read more...)
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March 3, 2005
War for Men's Minds
EGO: Problems of Definition
by Joseph C. Maurone
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Is the appeal of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged to adolescents a sign of arrested development or a sign of a healthy mind? The answer may lie in Rand's celebration of the Ego. (Read more...)
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February 18, 2005
Sense of Life
The Passion of Ayn Rand Criticism
by Joseph C. Maurone
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"An artist reveals his naked soul in his work-and so, gentle reader, do you when you respond to it." (Read more...)
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January 28, 2005
Singing Solo in the Shower
by Joseph C. Maurone
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Deep thoughts in the shower after reading the SOLO Forum... (Read more...)
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December 7, 2004
The "Incredible Evolution"
by Joseph C. Maurone
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Rand's use of the word "hero" is an inversion of the traditional meaning, and she has created the prototype of the new hero: the hero who saves the world not by saving the world, but by bettering himself. And if a philosophy is best spread through the popular culture of its time, then Rand has found an ally in the Pixar movie, 'The Incredibles.' (Read more...)
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November 28, 2004
From the Horror Files: "The Battle For Your Brain"
by Joseph C. Maurone
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A queer eye for the mind of the straight guy ... (Read more...)
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