2003 Atlas Points
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| Description I am a professor of psychology at Clemson University. My training was in developmental and cognitive psychology. I am primarily a theoretical psychologist; I have done empirical research in the past on children's reasoning, and am currently involved in studies of adult self-esteem.
I currently maintain a music history website that covers jazz and R and B in Chicago, between 1940 and 1960.
I became interested in Ayn Rand's ideas in 1969 and for many years considered myself an Objectivist. I no longer accept the label. One reason is that I disagree with many of Rand's express or implied views on psychology. Another is that the "closed-system" advocates have put a vise-grip on the term "Objectivist," with more than a little textual support from Rand herself.
Obviously, I think there is plenty of value in Rand's ideas or I woudn't be here, and I wouldn't be working for the Journal of Ayn Rand Studies. It's just that the good philosophical and scientific work of the future will not be done by Ayn Rand. It will be done by others, and most likely it will end up carrying other labels. |